Noise Impact Assessment

Done Right!

FDI Acoustics Inc. is an independent acoustical consulting firm specializing in environmental noise. We provide noise impact assessments, comprehensive sound surveys, noise monitoring, occupational noise exposure mapping and assessments, transportation and traffic noise assessments, real time long term noise monitoring, aggregate operations noise assessment and monitoring and practical noise solutions for your project.

Our experience includes the energy industry, oil and gas, commercial and construction noise, manufacturing and vehicle repair shops, occupational health and safety assessments, noise orders, transportation noise projects, fracturing noise, drilling rig noise, heavy oil, compressor stations, single and multi-well batteries, power generation, gas plants, pipelines, oil sands, transmission lines, co-generation, aggregate, mining and more. Our experience includes projects in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the USA.

With over 75 years combined experience, 6000+ projects, repeat clients, we’ve kept things quiet!

AER Directive 038 Noise Control April 2, 2024

AUC Rule 012 September 30, 2024

British Columbia Energy Regulator (BCER) industry clients: Please note that the BCER has issued a New Noise Control Best Practises Guideline effective June 4, 2024

ALBERTA Energy industry clients: Please note that the AER and AUC Eliminated the “deferred status” for Pre – 1988 facilities on October 17, 2018


The Noise Impact Assessment (NIA) is a technical report that presents the calculated
existing or future noise impact of a facility on its environment.

Sound Monitoring Surveys

Sound Monitoring Surveys document the sound environment at a specific reception
location throughout a measurement period.

Noise Control

Development, Evaluation and Optimization

Transportation Noise

Transportation Noise Impact  Assessments, Transportation Noise Surveys and Analysis

Occupational Noise Exposure

The measurement of worker noise exposure levels

Aggregate Plant Noise

Aggregate Noise Assessments, Noise Surveys and Analysis


Read about the successes we have had, here are a few examples.

We have over 55 years of combined experience and over 5000+ projects

Sound Monitoring Survey

Sound Monitoring Survey

Noise Control

Noise Mitigation
and Follow Up

Noise Impact Assessment

The Noise Impact Assessment

Expert Testimony

Expert Testimony

FDI is Committed to Safety and Proud to be I.R.P. 16 Compliant