FDIs assessments provide all the necessary information for clients to access multiple vendors to address their individual needs for noise control products and solutions. As an independent acoustical consulting firm, FDI has no alliances with equipment manufacturers or installers and suppliers of noise control products. FDIs acoustical consultants provide independent, practical, cost effective, noise control solutions.

There are two types of NIA’s –Theoretical and Measured

The Noise Impact Assessment (NIA) is a technical report that presents the calculated existing or future noise impact of a facility on its environment.

Theoretical NIA’s are derived from a combination of manufacturers data and FDI’s measurement library. Sound pressure level data is used to calculate sound power levels for the significant noise sources associated with the existing and/or proposed equipment. FDI’s theoretical NIA’s follow accepted acoustical evaluation practices.

Measured NIA’s are developed from site visits where acoustic measurements are taken by a professional acoustical consultant. The measured sound pressure level data is used to calculate sound power levels for the significant noise sources associated with the existing equipment.


FDI Acoustics employs professional acoustical consultants along with a selection of noise modeling platforms used to predict noise impact under a variety of environmental conditions. The NIA includes the sound level of the facility, the sound sources used in the assessment and their origin, the equipment operating conditions, the noise model parameters and the state of compliance with current regulations for the location assessed.

Noise Impact Assessments fulfill AER-(ERCB), AUC, OGC, Provincial, Local, Federal and State Regulatory Requirements

Your Noise Impact Assessment is a comprehensive, compliant, technical report that presents the calculated existing or future noise impact of a facility on its environment, along with any recommendations for compliance.

FDI’s reports meet regulatory agency requirements and are presented in a clear and concise manner presenting the required technical information in a reader friendly format. The noise sources are included in a source order ranked table that lists the noise sources from loudest to quietest. Additionally, if the facility is deemed to be in a state of non-compliance, the sound attenuation measures or a noise management plan are included in the report.